12th Annual
Dan Weber Memorial Playwrights Festival
"The Real Jane" by Therese Finn

Dan Finn, Sandy Woodruff and Kyle Davies

Dan Finn and Sandy Woodruff

Kyle Davies
"Sophie" by Amanda Brooks Eldridge
Sophie with the three Figments of her imagination
Mageara Noland, Eva Wingren, Judy Finn, Catlyn Keys
Sophie with her parents
Barbara Marrett, Mageara Noland, Brian Pouillon "Decisions! Decisions!" by Martha Padve
Pam Gillette, James Krall, Rosa Blair and Pat Rishel
"Love Interrupted" by Ernest Pugh

Philip Murphy and Warren Baehr
Dan Weber Memorial Playwrights Festival Cast List
Sophie written by Amanda Brooks Eldridge
- Sophie -- Mageara Noland
- Figment-- Judy Finn
Figment -- Eva Wingren
Figment-- Catlyn Keys
Sophie's Mother-- Barbara Marrett
Sophie's Father-- Brian Pouillon
Doctor & Caroline -- Lynda Guernsey
Sophie's Friend -- Jesse Hamlin
Boy & or Auctioneer -- Bruce & TBA
The Real Jane written by Therese Finn
- Matt -- Dan Finn
Bill -- Kyle Davies
Jane-- Sandy Woodruff
Decisions! Decisions! written by Martha Padve
- Hank--James Krall
Lisa--Rosa Blair
Helen-- Pam Gillette
Clara --Pat Rishel
Love Interrupted written by Ernest Pugh
- Ted/Teddy-- Warren Baehr
Tilda/ Mattie-- Susan Williamson
Jeff-- Philip Murphy
Old Otto -- Ernest Pugh
Sausage Girls-- Kimberly Cincilla & Dorothy Lagana
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